Biofeedback und Neurofeedback



Aktu­el­le Stu­di­en zu Bio- und Neurofeedback, von uns zusammengestellt.


Van Doren, J., Arns, M., Hein­rich, H., et al. (2019). Sus­tained Effects of Neurofeedback in ADHD: a Sys­te­ma­tic Review and Meta-Ana­ly­sis. Euro­pean Child & Ado­le­s­cent Psy­cho­lo­gy, 28(3), 293-305.

MTA: Moli­na, B., Hinshaw, S., Swan­son, J., et al. (2009). The MTA at 8 Years: Pro­s­pec­ti­ve Fol­low-up of Child­ren Trea­ted for Com­bi­ned-Type ADHD in a Mul­ti­si­te Stu­dy. Jour­nal of the Ame­ri­can Aca­de­my of Child & Ado­le­s­cent Psych­ia­try, 48(5), 484-500.

Gre­vens­le­ben, H., Holl, B., Albrecht, B., Vogel, C., Schlamp, D., Kratz, O., Hein­rich, H. (2009). Is neurofeedback an effi­ca­cious tre­at­ment for ADHD? A ran­do­mi­sed con­trol­led cli­ni­cal tri­al. Jour­nal of Child Psy­cho­lo­gy and Psych­ia­try, and Allied Disci­pli­nes, 50(7), 780-789. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2008.02033.x

Stei­ner, N.J., Fre­net­te, E.C., Rene, K.M., Brennan, R.T., Per­rin, E.C. (2014). In-School neurofeedback training for ADHD: Sus­tained impro­ve­ments from a ran­do­mi­zed con­trol tri­al. Pedia­trics, 133(3), 483-492. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-2059

Duric, N.S., Ass­mus, J., Gun­der­sen, D.I., Elgen I.B. (2012). Neurofeedback for tre­at­ment of child­ren and ado­le­s­cents with ADHD: A ran­do­mi­zed and con­trol­led cli­ni­cal tri­al using paren­tal reports. BMC Psych­ia­try, 12(1), 107. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-12-107

Arns, M., Strehl, U. (2013). Evi­dence for effi­ci­a­cy of neurofeedback in ADHD? Ame­ri­can Jour­nal of Psych­ia­try, 170(7), 799a-800. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13020208

Sonu­ga-Bar­ke, E.J., Brand­eis, D., Cor­te­se, S., Daley, D., Fer­rin, M., Holt­mann, M., … Euro­pean ADHD Gui­de­lines Group. (2013). Non­phar­ma­co­lo­gi­cal inter­ven­ti­ons for ADHD: Sys­te­ma­tic review and meta-ana­ly­ses of ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led tri­als of die­ta­ry and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal tre­at­ments. Ame­ri­can Jour­nal of Psych­ia­try, 170(3), 275-289. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2012.12070991


Rice, K. M., Blan­chard, E.B., Pur­cell, M. (1993). Biofeedback tre­at­ment of gene­ra­li­zed anxie­ty dis­or­der: Preli­mi­na­ry results. Biofeedback and Self-Regu­la­ti­on, 18(2), 93-105. 

Kim, S., Woll­burg, E., Roth, W.T. (2012). Oppo­sing breathing the­ra­pies for panic dis­or­der: A ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led tri­al of lowe­ring vs. Rai­sing end-tidal pCO2. Jour­nal of Cli­ni­cal Psych­ia­try, 73(7), 931-939.

Agni­ho­try, H., Paul, M., Sand­hu, J.S. (2007). Biofeedback approach in the tre­at­ment of gene­ra­li­zed anxie­ty dis­or­der. Ira­ni­an Jour­nal of Psych­ia­try, 2, 90-95. 

Rei­ner, R. (2008). Inte­gra­ting a por­ta­ble biofeedback device into cli­ni­cal pratc­ti­ce for pati­ents with anxie­ty dis­or­ders: Results of a pilot stu­dy. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biod­feed­back, 33, 55-61.


Coben, R., Lin­den, M., Myers, T.E. (2009). Neurofeedback for Autis­tic Spec­trum Dis­or­der: A review of the lite­ra­tu­re. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 35, 83-105. doi:10.1007/s10484-009-9117-y

Pine­da, J.A., Car­ras­co, K., Dat­ko, M., Pil­len, S., Schal­les, M. (2014) Neurofeedback training pro­du­ces nor­ma­liza­ti­on in beha­viou­ral and elec­tro­phy­sio­lo­gi­cal mea­su­res of high-func­tio­ning autism. Phi­lo­so­phi­cal Tran­sac­tions of the Roy­al Socie­ty of Lon­don Bio­lo­gi­cal Sci­en­ces, 369(1644) 20130183.doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0183

Coben, R., Padol­sky, I. (2007). Assess­ment-gui­ded neurofeedback for autis­tic spec­trum dis­or­der. Jour­nal of Neu­ro­the­ra­py, 11(3), 5-18. doi:10.1300/J184v11n01_02

Thomp­son, L., Thomp­son, M., Reid, A. (2010) Neurofeedback out­co­mes in cli­ents with Asperger´s Syn­dro­me. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 35, 63-81. doi:10.1007/s10484-009-9120-3

Coben, R. Mey­ers, T.E. (2010). The rela­ti­ve effi­ca­cy of con­nec­ti­vi­ty gui­ded and sym­ptom based EEG biofeedback for autis­tic dis­or­ders. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 35, 13-23.


Choi, S.W., Chi, S.E., Chung, S.Y., Kim, J.W., Ahn, C.Y., Kim, H.T. (2011). Is alpha wave neurofeedback effec­ti­ve with ran­do­mi­zed cli­ni­cal tri­als in depres­si­on? A pilot stu­dy. Neu­ro­psy­cho­bio­lo­gy, 63(1), 43-51. doi:10.1159/000322290

Esco­la­no, C., Navar­ro-Gil, M., Gar­cia-Cam­payo, J., Min­guez, J. (2013). EEG-based upper-alpha neurofeedback for cogni­ti­ve enhance­ment in major depres­si­ve dis­or­der: A preli­mi­na­ry, uncon­trol­led stu­dy. Conf Proc IEEE ENG Med Biol Soc. doi:10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610992

Dur­mus, D., Alay­li, G., Can­turk, F. (2005). Effects of biofeedback-assis­ted iso­me­tric exer­cise and elec­tri­cal sti­mu­la­ti­on on pain, anxie­ty, and depres­si­on scores in knee osteo­ar­thri­tis. Fizik Teda­vi Reha­bi­li­tasyon Der­gi­si, 51(4), 142-145. 

Patron, E., Mess­erot­ti Ben­ve­nuti, S., Fav­ret­to, G., Val­f­re, C., Bon­fa, C., Gas­pa­rot­to, R., Palom­ba, D. (2013). Biofeedback assis­ted con­trol of respi­ra­to­ry sinus arrhyth­mia as a bio­be­ha­vi­oral inter­ve­na­ti­on for depres­si­ve sym­ptoms in pati­ents after car­diac sur­gery: A preli­mi­na­ry stu­dy. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 38(1), 1-9. doi:10.1007/s10484-012-9202-5

Zucker, T. L., Samu­el­son, K. W., Muench, F., Green­berg, M. A., Gevirtz, R. N. (2009). The effects of respi­ra­to­ry sinus arrhyth­mia biofeedback on heart rate varia­bi­li­ty and post­trau­ma­tic stress dis­or­der sym­ptoms: A pilot stu­dy. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 34(2), 135-143. doi:10.1007/s10484-009-9085-2


Cro­cet­ti, A., For­ti, S., Del Bo, L. (2011). Neurofeedback for sub­jec­ti­ve tin­ni­tus pati­ents. Auris Nasus Larynx, 38(6), 735-738. doi:10.1016/j.anl.2011.02.003

Dohr­mann, K., Elbert, T., Schlee, W., Wei­sy, N. (2007). Tuning the tin­ni­tus per­cept by modi­fi­ca­ti­on of syn­chro­no­us brain acti­vi­ty. Res­to­ra­ti­ve Neu­ro­lo­gy and Neu­ro­sci­ence, 25(3-4), 371-378.

Wei­se, C., Hein­ecke, K., Rief, W. (2008). Biofeedback-based beha­vi­oral tre­at­ment by chro­nic tin­ni­tus: Results of a ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led tri­al. Jour­nal of Con­sul­ting and Cli­ni­cal Psy­cho­lo­gy, 76(6), 1046-1057. doi:10.1037/a0013811

Weisz, N., Mor­at­ti, S., Mein­zer, M., Dohr­mann, K., Elbert, T. (2005). Tin­ni­tus per­cep­ti­on and distress is rela­ted to abnor­mal spon­ta­neous brain acti­vi­ty as mea­su­red by magne­toen­ce­pha­logra­phy. PLoS Medi­ci­ne, 2(6), e153. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0020153

Chronische Schmerzen

Caro, X. J., Win­ter, E. F. (2001). Atten­ti­on mea­su­res impro­ve in fibro­my­al­gia pati­ents recei­ving EEG biofeedback training: A pilot stu­dy. Arthri­tis and Rheu­ma­to­lo­gy, 44, S71.

Arns, M., Gun­kel­man, J., Bre­te­ler, M., Spronk, D. (2008). EEG phe­no­ty­pes pre­dict tre­at­ment out­co­me to sti­mu­lants in child­ren with ADHD. Jour­nal of Inte­gra­ti­ve Neu­ro­sci­ence, 7(03), 421-438.

Cri­der, A., Gla­ros, A., Gevirtz, R. (2005) Effi­ca­cy of biofeedback-based tre­at­ments for tem­po­ro­man­di­bu­lar dis­or­ders. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 30, 333-345.

John­stone, J., Gun­kel­man, J., Lunt, J. (2005). Cli­ni­cal data­ba­se deve­lo­p­ment: Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of EEG phe­no­ty­pes. Cli­ni­cal EEG and Neu­ro­sci­ence, 36(2), 99-107.

Wood­ward, T.S., Ruff, C. C., Ngan, E. T. (2006). Short- and long-term chan­ges in ante­rior cin­g­u­la­te acti­va­ti­on during reso­lu­ti­on of task-set com­pe­ti­ti­on. Brain Rese­arch, 1068(1), 161-169.


Kang, E. H., Park, J. E., Chung, C. S., Yu, B. H. (2009). Effect of biofeedback-assis­ted auto­ge­nic training on hea­da­che acti­vi­ty and mood sta­tes in Kore­an fema­le migrai­ne pati­ents. Jour­nal of Kore­an Medi­cal Sci­ence, 24, 936-40. doi:10.3346/jkms.2009.24.5.936

Nes­to­riuc, Y., Mar­tin, A. (2007). Effi­ca­cy of biofeedback for migrai­ne: A meta-ana­ly­sis. Pain, 128(1-2), 111-127. 

Nes­to­riuc, Y., Mar­tin, A., Rief, W., Andras­ik, F. (2008). Biofeedback tre­at­ment for hea­da­che dis­or­ders: A com­pre­hen­si­ve effi­ca­cy review. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 33, 125-140. doi:10.1007/s10484-008-9060-3

Ver­ha­gen, A. P., Damon, L., Ber­ger, M. Y., Pas­schier, J., Koes, B. W. (2009). Beha­vi­oral tre­at­ments of chro­nic ten­si­on-type hea­da­che in adults: Are they bene­fi­ci­al? CNS Neu­ro­sci­ence and The­ra­peu­tics, 15, 183-205.

Yucha, C., Mont­go­me­ry, D. (Eds.). (2008). Evi­dence-based prac­ti­ce in biofeedback and neurofeedback (2nd ed.). Wheat Ridge, CO: Asso­cia­ti­on for Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback.


Car­toos, A., De Valck, E., Arns, M., Bre­te­ler, M. H., Cluydts, R. (2010). An explo­ra­to­ry stu­dy on the effects of tele-neurofeedback and tele-biofeedback on objec­ti­ve and sub­jec­ti­ve sleep in pati­ents with pri­ma­ry insom­nia. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 35(2), 125-134. doi:10.1007/s10484-009-9116-z

Mor­gen­tha­ler, T., Kra­mer, M., Ales­si, C., Fried­man, L., Boehle­cke, B., Brown, T., … Ame­ri­can Aca­de­my of Sleep Medi­ci­ne (2006). Prac­ti­ce para­me­ters for the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and beha­vi­oral tre­at­ment of insom­nia: An update. An Ame­ri­can Aca­de­my of Sleep Medi­ci­ne Report. Sleep, 29(11), 1415-1419.

Rie­mann, D., Per­lis, M. L. (2009). The tre­at­ments of chro­nic insom­nia: A review of ben­zo­dia­ze­pi­ne recep­tor ago­nists and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and beha­vi­oral the­ra­pies. Sleep Medi­ci­ne Reviews, 13(3), 205-214. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2008.06.001

Scha­bus, M., Heib, D. P., Lechin­ger, J., Gries­sen­ber­ger, H., Kli­mesch, W., Paw­liz­ki, A., Kunz, A. B., Ster­man, B. M., Hoedl­mo­ser, K. (2014). Enhan­cing sleep qua­li­ty and memo­ry in insom­nia using instru­men­tal sen­so­ri­mo­tor rhythm con­di­tio­ning. Bio­lo­gi­cal Psy­cho­lo­gy, 95, 126-134. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.02.020


Lin, G., Xiang, Q., Fu, X., Wang, S., Chen, S., Shao, L., Wang, T. (2012). Heart rate varia­bi­li­ty biofeedback decrea­ses blood pres­su­re in pre­hy­per­ten­si­ve sub­jects by impro­ving auto­no­mic func­tion and baro­re­flex. Jour­nal of Alter­na­ti­ve and Com­ple­men­ta­ry Medi­ci­ne, 18(2), 143-152. doi:10.1089/acm.2010.0607

Lin­den, W., McGra­dy, A. (2016). Bio­be­ha­vi­oral tre­at­ment of essen­ti­al hyper­ten­si­on. In M. Schwartz & F. Andras­ik (Eds.), Biofeedback: A practitioner´s gui­de (4th ed.). New York: The Guil­ford Press.

Nolan, R., Flo­ras, J., Har­vey, P., Kamath, M., Pic­ton, P., Ches­sex, C., Chen, M. H. (2010). Beha­vi­oral neu­ro­car­diac training in hyper­ten­si­on: A ran­do­mi­zed, con­trol­led tri­al. Hyper­ten­si­on, 55, 1033-1039. doi:10.1161/hypertensionaha.109.146233

Frank, D. L., Khor­s­hid, L., Kif­fer, J. F., Mora­vec, C. S., McKee, M. G. (2010). Biofeedback in medi­ci­ne: Who, when, why and how? Men­tal Health in Fami­ly Medi­ci­ne, 7, 85-91.

Shar­ma, M., Frish­man, W., Gan­dhi, K. (2011). Res­pe­ra­te: Non­phar­ma­co­lo­gi­cal tre­at­ment of Hyper­ten­si­on. Car­dio­lo­gy in Review, 19(2), 47-51.


Ham­mond, DC. (2004). Tre­at­ment of the obses­sio­nal sub­ty­pe of obses­si­ve com­pul­si­ve dis­or­der with neurofeedback. Biofeedback, 32: 9.12. 3.

Ham­mond, DC. (2005). Neurofeedback with anxie­ty and affec­ti­ve dis­or­ders. Child Ado­le­s­cent Psych­ia­try Jour­nal, 14, 105-123.

Paga­rell, 0., Juckel G., Mavro­gi­or­gou, P., Mulert, C., Fol­kerts, K.J., Hau­ke, W. et al. (2006). Sym­ptom-spe­ci­fic EEG power cor­re­la­ti­ons in pati­ents with obses­sive­com­pul­si­ve dis­or­der. Int Jour­nal of Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy, 62, 87-92.

Joseph, G.A., Das, B., Bhat­tacha­rya, A., Pra­ha­raj, S.K. (2009). Effi­ca­cy of Neurofeedback in Obses­si­ve Com­pul­si­ve Dis­or­der. Indi­an Jour­nal of Social Psych­ia­try, 25(3-4), 101-105.

Sür­me­li, T., Ertem, A. (2011). Obses­si­ve com­pul­si­ve dis­or­der and the effi­ca­cy of qEEG-gui­ded neurofeedback tre­at­ment: a case series. Cli­ni­cal EEG Neu­ro­sci­ence, 42(3), 195-201.


Schnei­der, F., Dre­er, E. (2013). Volks­wirt­schaft­li­che Ana­ly­se eines recht­zei­ti­gen Erken­nens von Burn­out, Down­load-PDF

Choi, S.W., Chi, S.E., Chung, S.Y., Kim, J.W., Ahn, C.Y., Kim, H.T. (2011). Is alpha wave neurofeedback effec­ti­ve with ran­do­mi­zed cli­ni­cal tri­als in depres­si­on? A pilot stu­dy. Neu­ro­psy­cho­bio­lo­gy, 63(1), 43-51. doi:10.1159/000322290

Esco­la­no, C., Navar­ro-Gil, M., Gar­cia-Cam­payo, J., Min­guez, J. (2013). EEG-based upper-alpha neurofeedback for cogni­ti­ve enhance­ment in major depres­si­ve dis­or­der: A preli­mi­na­ry, uncon­trol­led stu­dy. Conf Proc IEEE ENG Med Biol Soc. doi:10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610992

Dur­mus, D., Alay­li, G., Can­turk, F. (2005). Effects of biofeedback-assis­ted iso­me­tric exer­cise and elec­tri­cal sti­mu­la­ti­on on pain, anxie­ty, and depres­si­on scores in knee osteo­ar­thri­tis. Fizik Teda­vi Reha­bi­li­tasyon Der­gi­si, 51(4), 142-145.

Patron, E., Mess­erot­ti Ben­ve­nuti, S., Fav­ret­to, G., Val­f­re, C., Bon­fa, C., Gas­pa­rot­to, R., Palom­ba, D. (2013). Biofeedback assis­ted con­trol of respi­ra­to­ry sinus arrhyth­mia as a bio­be­ha­vi­oral inter­ve­na­ti­on for depres­si­ve sym­ptoms in pati­ents after car­diac sur­gery: A preli­mi­na­ry stu­dy. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 38(1), 1-9. doi:10.1007/s10484-012-9202-5

Zucker, T. L., Samu­el­son, K. W., Muench, F., Green­berg, M. A., Gevirtz, R. N. (2009). The effects of respi­ra­to­ry sinus arrhyth­mia biofeedback on heart rate varia­bi­li­ty and post­trau­ma­tic stress dis­or­der sym­ptoms: A pilot stu­dy. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy and Biofeedback, 34(2), 135-143. doi:10.1007/s10484-009-9085-2

Peak Performance

Cochran, S. D., (2011). Cor­po­ra­te Peak Performance Pro­ject. Biofeedback, 39, 123-126.

Gru­ze­lier, J. H., (2013). EEG-neurofeedback for opti­mi­sing performance. I: A review of cogni­ti­ve and affec­ti­ve out­co­me in healt­hy par­ti­ci­pan­ts. Neu­ro­sci­ence and Bio­be­ha­vi­oral Reviews, 44, 124-141. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.09.015

Mat­te, R., van Otter­di­jk, M. (2012). Performance opti­miza­ti­on pro­gram for the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty: com­bi­ning exe­cu­ti­ve coa­ching and biofeedback. Biofeedback, 40, 26-29. doi:10.5298/1081-5937-40.1.1

Paul, M., Garg, K. (2012). The effect of heart rate varia­bi­li­ty biofeedback on performance psy­cho­lo­gy of bas­ket­ball play­ers. Appli­ed Psy­cho­phy­sio­lo­gy Biofeedback, 37, 131-144.

Wahab, N., Sin­an­du­rai, S. K. (2012). Using biofeedback in achie­ving peak performance for stu­dents: The Malay­si­an sce­na­ria. Biofeedback, 40, 40. doi:10.5298/1081-5937-39.1.7


Word Health Orga­niza­ti­on (2009). Epi­le­psy: Etio­lo­gy, epi­de­mo­lo­gy and pro­gno­sis. Auf­ge­ru­fen unter die­ser URL am 20.10.2019 18:32 CET

Wit­te, H., Iase­mi­dis, L.D., Litt, B. (2003). Spe­cial issue on epi­lep­tic sei­zu­re pre­dic­tion. IEEE Tran­sac­tions on Bio­me­di­cal Engi­nee­ring, 50, 537-539. Doi:10.1109/TBME.2003.810708.

Kot­chou­bey, B., Strehl. U., Uhl­mann, C., Holz­ap­fel, S., König, M., Frö­scher, W., Bir­bau­mer, N. (2001). Modu­la­ti­on of slow cor­ti­cal poten­ti­als in pati­ents with refrac­to­ry epi­le­psy: A con­trol­led out­co­me stu­dy. Epi­lep­sia, 42(3), 406-416. doi: 10.1046/j.1528-1157.2001.22200.x

Strehl, U., Birk­le, S. M., Wörz, S., Kot­chou­bey, B. (2014). Sus­tained reduc­tion of sei­zu­res in pati­ents with intrac­ta­ble epi­le­psy after self-regu­la­ti­on training of slow cor­ti­cal poten­ti­als – 10 years after. Fron­tiers in Human Neu­ro­sci­ence, 8, 604. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00604

Strehl, U., Kot­chou­bey, B., Tre­vor­row, T., Bir­bau­mer, N. (2005). Pre­dic­tors of sei­zu­re reduc­tion after self-regu­la­ti­on of slow cor­ti­cal poten­ti­als as a tre­at­ment of drug resistant epi­le­psy. Epi­le­psy and Beha­vi­or, 6, 156-166. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2004.11.004